A week of hectic college life has drawn to an end ... and I must say
that the past seven days have indeed been one heck of a journey. The
corridor football games at midnight, the race for the toilets in the
morning (and i won in all the seven days!) ... the curses and the hate
words aimed at the the frequent power-cuts, and the sun, the evening
bluff games, the queue for booking non-veg food, and the even longer
queues for booking tickets for 12 movies for Semester 1 ... the
painful cycle-rides under the scorching sun from Faculty Division 3 to
the Lecture Theatres, the interactions with the CCTV and The
Department of Photography ... (how CAN i forget that? I acted in a
skit for the first time in my life!) ... the joy of recieving GPRS
settings on my cell-phone ... the joy of seeing the Win 2000 machines
being replaced by Win XP ones ... and the old clumsy moniters with new
LCD ones in the Internet Centre ... the amazing treasure hunt contest
around the campus ...the confusion that followed when my sidey kept
his room-key in my room and I locked my room from inside and went off
to bed ... only to recieve painful words the next morning .... and the
utterly incomrehensible stuff the profs kept ranting off whenever
given an opportunity to do so ...
too tired to give a formal ending ... good bye and take care!!!
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